What foods are rich in simple carbohydrates

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By pro_admin

Foods that are rich in simple carbohydrates are those that provide your body with fast-absorbing carbohydrates. This means that your body absorbs and digests them much faster than complex carbohydrates. This is not good for health, since the intake of these foods produces a rise in sugar levels and an increase in fat in the body. To avoid this, take note of those foods that you should exclude from your daily diet as they are rich in simple carbohydrates.

Foods that are rich in simple carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are part of the cornerstone of any healthy and balanced diet along with proteins and fats. In addition, they provide the necessary calories so that your body can have enough energy and be able to perform daily. As if this were not enough, carbohydrates play a vital role in digestion and in the oxidation of proteins and fats.

There are two types of carbohydrates: simple and complex. The latter are really healthy for your body since they are not quickly absorbed and are mostly rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals so they are necessary to produce the energy needed by the body.

On the other hand, as I have already indicated above, simple carbohydrates are sugars that are digested quickly and have very little nutritional value for your body, because it does not contain enough essential nutrients.

That is why its daily or habitual consumption is discouraged, especially to those who suffer from diabetes. As for the foods that are rich in these types of carbohydrates, the following stand out: sugar, honey, fruit juices, jam, some fruits and those products made with refined flours such as cakes, sweets or cookies.

Therefore, it is best to increase the consumption of foods rich in complex carbohydrates, since they are digested little by little, do not increase blood sugar levels and provide many more nutrients to your body.

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