What foods can not miss in your healthy Christmas meals

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By pro_admin

Although it may seem almost impossible, you can eat in a healthy way during the Christmas holidays. With some effort and following a series of practical and simple tips, you can avoid taking a few extra kilos during these days of celebration. Do not miss a detail of a series of foods that can not be missing in your daily menu and enjoy Christmas with your loved ones.

What to eat at Christmas so as not to gain weight

If you want to eat in a healthy way during the holidays, you can start by avoiding fried foods and sauces and opt for much healthier foods such as vegetables. A good vegetable cream or a grill of them provide numerous nutrients to the body and will help you continue to maintain your ideal weight.

When drinking during Christmas lunch or dinner, you can have a glass of wine or water, since alcoholic and sugary drinks are too many caloric and their excessive consumption will make you gain weight quickly and without realizing it. In the case of meat and fish you can consume them moderately and grilled since in this way it is much healthier and more nutritious.

As for desserts and sweets, you can eat and enjoy the same but without overdoing it. During the Christmas season, foods as harmful to health as polvorones and mantecados are present at any family lunch or dinner. If possible, you can choose to eat those that are made with little sugar and avoid the caloric intake of these Christmas products.

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