Now that it is the order of the day to lose weight at all costs and lose all those extra kilos that many of us have, we must also think about the other side of the scale. Women too thin and eager to gain body weight to get the body they really want. The diet of these people should be based on natural foods and with a large intake of calories that must be controlled. Then do not miss detail of the following healthy foods that will help you gain weight.
Foods to gain weight
–Lean red meat. If you are looking to gain some weight, lean red meat is a product that cannot be missing from your daily diet. Red meat is rich in protein and iron. Because it is high in cholesterol, experts recommend not exceeding its intake and at most eating it a couple of times a week.
–Whole milk. According to nutritionists, one way to gain weight in a healthy way is to replace skim milk with whole milk. This type of milk is rich in vitamin A and D. You can drink whole milk at breakfast along with some oatmeal or cereal.
–Tropical fruits. Tropical fruits such as mango, papaya or pineapple can help you gain some weight. This is because they are products very rich in natural sugars and give enough energy. You can take these types of fruits in the form of a smoothie once a day and you will see how little by little you gain some weight.
–Avocado. Avocado intake is a good way to add healthy fats to your body. Half an avocado contains 140 calories and high levels of potassium, folic acid and vitamin E. A good way to eat avocado is to add it to salads or even take it with a toast.
–Wholemeal bread. A healthy way to gain weight is to consume some bread in your diet. It is good that you opt for varieties of whole grain bread since they contain much more fiber and minerals than white bread.
All these foods will help you take those kilos that you want so much and in a very healthy way.