What foods make up the diet of the points

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By pro_admin

Today there are diets of all kinds that promise you to lose weight in a natural and healthy way. There are some that are totally inadvisable for the body while there are others that do not pose any danger to health. The diet of the points consists of a plan to lose weight in which you can eat everything and without avoiding any type of food. Each food belongs to a group and has a number of limited points that you cannot overcome. Take note of the following list of foods and their corresponding points.

Food table of the diet of the points

First of all you will have to calculate how many points you have per day and from here, you can eat what you want but always without exceeding your points.

Food from 0 to 2 points. Vegetables or dots; coffee and tea 0 points; fruits or points; a cookie 1 point; a skimmed yogurt 1.5 point; a can of mussels 1.5 points; three slices of cooked ham 1 point; white cheese 1.5 point.

Food from 2 to 4 points. a plate of pasta 2 points; one egg 2 points; a glass of wine 2 puintos; one-third beer 3 points; potatoes 2 points; a glass of semi-skimmed milk 2 points; hake 2 points; lentils 2.5 points; a can of tuna 2.5 points; Three slices of Serrano ham 3 points, chicken croquettes 2 points.

Foods with 4 or more points. a glass of ice cream 4 points; a plate of rice 4 points; a slice of pizza 4.5 points; potato omelette 5.5 points; Russian salad 7 points; Beef fillet 8 points.

From this table and knowing what each food is worth, you must develop a menu with a series of points in total that you cannot overcome. The normal would be about 19 points per day which corresponds to a diet of about 1400 calories.

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