What foods swell us in summer

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By pro_admin

Surely you have had the feeling of swelling in your belly at some time in your life. This is caused by the intake of a series of foods that eaten in excess cause such a problem in your body. To avoid this uncomfortable sensation, you should take note of those foods that you should not eat in summer and prevent your abdomen from swelling or becoming inflamed unnecessarily causing a general discomfort throughout your body.

Foods that swell the belly in summer

Refined sugar. Avoid at all times the ingesting of refined sugar and other products with high glycemic content as they can cause inflammation in the abdominal area causing pain and redness throughout the area.

Salt. Too much salt is not healthy for your body and causes your body to retain a lot of fluids. In this way your abdomen swells and increases in volume causing annoying pain throughout the lower belly area.

Red meat. Do not abuse this type of food as in excess it can cause inflammation and swelling in the abdomen. To provide protein to your body, it is best to take chicken or turkey meat, much healthier and less caloric.

Vegetable oils. These types of oils are rich in omega 6 fatty acids that produce inflammation throughout the belly. The most recommended for its numerous benefits for the body is extra virgin olive oil.

Refined flour. Avoid at all times the intake of refined flour since in addition to being unhealthy for your body, it produces swelling. Opt for whole grains as they will help you lose weight and avoid annoying inflammation. 

Dairy products. A moderate consumption of dairy products such as milk, yogurt or cheese are highly beneficial for your health. However, if you exceed its consumption you can cause you to feel bloated especially in those people who have some lactose intolerance.

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