What foods to eat at lunchtime

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By pro_admin

Lunch is a very important meal in your daily diet, since in it you eat a large part of the calories of the day and provide a good number of nutrients to your body. You should take a series of foods that help you avoid the accumulation of fat in your body and that apart are totally beneficial for your health. Take note of what those foods are and what you should eat daily to boast of a good figure and body.

The Best Foods to Eat During Lunch

Tomatoes. One of the best foods you can have at lunch is tomatoes. They are very low in calories and are an excellent source of vitamin C. A perfect starter before any main course.

Chicken. When choosing a type of meat for lunch, a good option is chicken. It is a perfect food to provide the necessary proteins that the body needs every day.

Spinach. Green leafy vegetables are ideal to take during lunch. Spinach is very nutritious and is rich in iron, a mineral that helps strengthen the entire immune system and rebuild all muscle tissue. Other equally advisable vegetables are lettuce, broccoli or cabbages.

Apples. An apple a day is perfect to provide energy to the body and that can perform without problems. They are also rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals. Being a great antioxidant, it helps the body eliminate toxins and impurities.

Tuna. Tuna is one of the healthiest fish along with salmon and sardines. The omega 3 acids it contains are very healthy fats for the heart. A very nutritious food that can not be missing in your daily lunch.

Turkey. Along with chicken it is one of the best meats to take care of your health. It provides numerous nutrients to your body and a high percentage of quality protein.

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