Normally most people have associated the term fat with something negative related to food, either obesity or cholesterol. However, it is important that you know that not all fats are bad and there are some that are healthy for your body. Do not lose detail and take note of those foods that contain fats and that you can eat without any problem since they are not harmful and harmful to your health.
Foods that contain healthy fats for your body
There are three types of fats that must be differentiated very well at mealtime.
–Saturated. These types of fats are the most harmful to your body and you should avoid taking them daily. They are fats that you should consume in a moderate way and that are found in foods such as meat, eggs or milk.
–Unsaturated. These are the healthiest fats that exist and those that help you reduce the level of cholesterol among other benefits. They are found in foods such as fish or vegetables and you can incorporate them without any problem into your usual diet.
–Polyunsaturated. As with saturated fats, they are unhealthy fats for your body and that you should exclude from your daily diet.
Once you know perfectly what the healthy fats are and what you can eat without any problems, take note of the following foods that you can incorporate into your diet as they contain unsaturated or healthy fats. Nuts such as almonds or walnuts; fish such as salmon or tuna; soy milk or extra virgin olive oil.