What green foods you have to eat every week

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By pro_admin

A healthy and balanced diet is essential when it comes to having a perfect body without extra kilos. Green foods are one of those that can not be missing in your daily diet as they provide a large amount of nutrients to the body. Then I will list a series of green foods that you should eat almost daily.

Green foods that you should include in your daily diet

Broccoli is one of those foods that can not be missing in your diet due to the large amount of nutrients it has. It provides a good amount of vitamins to the body and a lot of fiber so you will feel satiated quickly. At the time of eating it you can choose to boil it and apovechar to the maximum all its properties although you can also take it in salads or homemade stews.

Spinach is known to be an excellent source of iron and vitamins of type A and K. Eating spinach regularly will help you supply your body with a good amount of vitamins and minerals. You can eat it in salads or in delicious soups. Wild asparagus is one of the richest foods in fiber so it is perfect for relieving digestive problems and quickly satisfying the appetite.

Green beans are another green food that provides more nutrients to the body. They are rich in vitamins A and C as well as being an excellent source of calcium and iron. The consumption of green beans are ideal to keep the bones totally strong and prevent anemia. Celery is a vegetable with large doses of fiber and its numerous nutrients help the body avoid hypertension and strengthen the entire immune system preventing the arrival of possible diseases.

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