What not to eat after the gym

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By pro_admin

Sport is together with a healthy and balanced diet the two essential elements when it comes to eliminating those extra kilos that worry you so much. If you have decided to go to the gym to recover your ideal figure and be back in shape, it is important that you take note of a series of foods that you should not eat after doing this physical exercise.

Foods you should avoid after sports

It is normal that after doing some sport, you have sweated excessively and are thirsty. In this case you should avoid at all times the ingesting of carbonated or sugary drinks since they are quite caloric and not advisable to lose weight. The most advisable to counteract thirst is water. Although it may seem otherwise, energy bars are unhealthy and it is preferable to take them before starting physical activity as they provide a lot of energy to the body.

Despite having burned a few calories you should not consume junk food such as hamburgers or pizzas since in addition to being harmful to health they are very caloric. When leaving the gym it is advisable to eat a good plate of sautéed vegetables along with a little fruit that helps you replenish your strength.

Forget also about eating carbohydrates such as pasta because although they help you satisfy your appetite they are quite caloric for the body. Choose to eat some grilled oily fish and a handful of nuts since they are much healthier foods and provide a type of fat that is really beneficial for the body.

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