Diabetes is an increasingly common disease that affects a large number of people. Now that the Christmas holidays are approaching, you have to be very careful with what you eat especially if you suffer from diabetes. To avoid problems, take note of these dishes that you can prepare for such dates and that you can eat without putting your health at risk.
Christmas dishes for diabetics
–Marinated anchovies. It is a really delicious and very healthy starter thanks to the omega 3 fatty acids provided by anchovies. You will need 6 anchovies, a clove of garlic, two thin slices of bread, the juice of half a lemon, oil, salt and parsley. First clean the anchovies well and put them in a deep dish with the skin up. Put salt and add the juice of half a lemon. Let macerate for about 10 minutes. Remove the lemon juice and chop the garlic clove on top. Sprinkle with chopped parsley and add a splash of olive oil. Serve with slices of toast.
–Lentil salad with prawns. To prepare this delicious dish you will need the following ingredients: 200 grams of cooked lentils, 8 cooked shrimp tails, a tomato, a lettuce, two spring onions, 150 grams of cooked green beans, vinegar, olive oil and salt. First put in the bottom of a plate some lettuce leaves along with the diced tomato and beans. Put salt to taste and add the lentils. Put the shrimp tails on top and open in half along with the julienned spring onions. Season with vinegar, oil and salt. Serve immediately.
–Steamed pears with mint. It is a dessert that you can eat without problems and perfect for Christmas. You need 8 pears, a few mint leaves, sweetener equivalent to 4 tablespoons of sugar, a vanilla pod, the juice of two lemons and 100 grams of raspberries. Take a steamer and put the vanilla on the bottom along with the sweetener and mint leaves. Cover everything with water and on top place the peeled and wet pears in the lemon juice. Cover and cook for 20 minutes. After the time, remove the pears and let the broth reduce. Serve the cold pears next to the hot broth and garnish with the raspberries.