What whims you can give yourself in the diet on the weekend

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By pro_admin

Surely you know that the diet requires a lot of sacrifice and perseverance although in most cases the final result makes this weight loss plan worthwhile. However, believe it or not, during the weekend you can give yourself some whim to compensate for the efforts made during the weekend.

Whims you can give yourself during the weekend during the diet

After a really hard week in which to make some other sacrifice at mealtime, it is advisable to treat yourself to compensate for the effort made. If you have a sweet tooth and sweets are your real downfall, do not hesitate to enjoy a couple of ounces of dark chocolate. This type of chocolate is really beneficial for health and is perfect for strengthening memory and heart health.

Another way to treat yourself is to make a good beef or verdruas burger. To avoid most of the calories you can make these hamburgers in the oven and accompany it with a sautéed vegetable or next to some baked or roasted potatoes. As for drinks you can drink a glass of red wine or a beer if you exceed the consumption of them.

If you like pizzas you can make the dough based on whole wheat flour and add a series of ingredients that are not too caloric and that are not harmful to health. You can add prawns, mushrooms, olives a little natural tomato. Giving yourself this series of whims will help you continue with the diet more strongly and maintain a perfect weight that helps enhance your figure.

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