Although many people do not know it, to have hair in perfect condition you need a series of daily care and take a type of diet rich in a series of nutrients, which help strengthen the health of the hair. Do not miss detail of the following foods that you should include in the daily diet to have healthy and beautiful hair.
Foods to have hair in perfect condition
1 Vegetables. This group of foods such as lentils or chickpeas are perfect to prevent hair from weakening excessively. Legumes are rich in minerals such as iron or zinc, a series of nutrients that help hair grow with health and strength.
2 Green leafy vegetables. Vegetables such as broccoli, spinach or Swiss chard are perfect for strengthening hair health. This is because green vegetables are rich in iron and numerous vitamins very beneficial for good hair health.
3Salmon. Salmon is a food that can not be missing in the daily diet due to the large amount of nutrients it provides to the body. It is an excellent source of omega 3 acids, a series of fats that are really beneficial for good hair health.
4 Carrots. It is a food that is rich in vitamin A and beta carotene so it is ideal when it comes to getting really silky and soft hair. You can drink a glass of carrot juice a day and in a short time you will notice how the health of the hair improves significantly.
5 Nuts. Selenium is a mineral that is essential to help hair grow in a strong and healthy way. Nuts are rich in selenium and zinc so a good handful of nuts are essential to boast of hair in perfect condition.