Why eating yogurt for breakfast is good for you

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By pro_admin

Nutrition experts point out that it is important to start the day with a good breakfast, since it should provide the amount of energy necessary to perform optimally during the rest of the day. Yogurt is one of the foods that can not be missing in this breakfast since it provides a lot of benefits to the body.

The benefits of yogurt at breakfast

The first thing you should know is that yogurt is an excellent source of proteins of high biological value, so its consumption is perfect when it comes to providing the body with high quality proteins. In the event that you have digestive problems, yogurt will help you improve all your intestinal flora and have a good digestion of food.

It is proven that yogurt is a food that is rich in minerals such as calcium, phosphorus or magnesium, all of them quite important when it comes to maintaining an optimal bone system. Including yogurt in breakfast will help you satisfy your appetite and avoid eating more calories than you need during the day.

What you should keep in mind at all times is that if you want to lose weight and maintain the line, you should opt for yogurts that are skimmed as they contain much less fat and are healthier than normal. In addition to breakfast you can have a yogurt mid-morning or during the snack to calm the appetite and thus avoid snacking between meals.

If you want to know more about nutrition or know what foods are advisable and which are not to have a healthy and balanced diet, you can not miss the advice given by the endocrine doctor Carmen Candela in the following video:

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