Most nutrition experts are staunch proponents of the Mediterranean diet as the basis of daily food. It is a diet really beneficial for health and provides all the essential nutrients that the body needs on a daily basis. Olive oil and nuts are two essential foods in this diet since apart from being very healthy, they are perfect to help you lose those extra kilos.
Olive oil and nuts in the Mediterranean diet
According to several scientific studies including olive oil and nuts in the Mediterranean diet, helps to lose weight quickly and effectively. These two foods are essential in this diet thanks to the countless properties and benefits they have for health. Both are rich in plant-based fats that help eliminate those extra pounds from the body.
Such fats have also been shown in such studies to be good for heart health and for treating diabetes. Experts qualify these fats as healthy or good unlike others much more harmful and harmful such as those found in foods such as butter or sausages.
The only problem with olive oil and nuts is that they are quite caloric so it is essential to moderate their consumption and not overdo it. With a handful of nuts a day and a little olive oil you provide a lot of nutrients to the body. If you follow this type of balanced and varied diet you will not have any problem when it comes to losing weight and recovering your previous figure.