Winter foods: seasonal products and their benefits

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By pro_admin

February arrives, the epicenter of the winter season, and with this month the heart of many viral diseases of the respiratory system or, in other words, the usual colds, colds or flu. A good way to combat and, hopefully, avoid these ailments is to mentalize ourselves to have the best possible diet. Resorting, therefore, to a nutrition where there is no shortage of fresh seasonal products, especially fruits and vegetables, seems an effective way to prepare ourselves against the influx of the dreaded viruses.

At present, it is common to find on the shelves of our nearest supermarket products belonging to any season of the year. However, prioritizing the consumption of fresh food can be beneficial for both our health and our economy. During the month of February we can add to our cart fruits, vegetables and seasonal vegetables such as beetroot, fennel, endive, lettuce, cauliflower, broccoli, endive, artichokes, pumpkins, oranges or kiwis.

Winter fruits, scarce but nutritious

The quintessential winter fruit has always been the orange, useful to combat the mentioned colds and the classic solution that our mothers have always offered us to prevent them. It is a food that, in addition to being juicy and sweet, is one of the main sources of vitamin C, are a strong antioxidant and invigorate our body.

For its part, kiwis are also among the fruits with a higher content of the aforementioned vitamin C (about 98 milligrams per 100 grams of product, compared to 48 milligrams contained in orange or 53 milligrams of lemon), so it will also be a perfect complement to our winter diet. It prevents the appearance of allergies and helps reduce hypertension.

Vegetables are another healthy alternative

Another interesting option lies in leafy vegetables, so common in our salad. We can enrich our shopping list with endive, lettuce and seasonal endive. Perfect to add and integrate into slimming diets and, in this way, be able to look a good guy before the arrival of good weather.

Winter is also pumpkin season. Very rich in vitamin A that can have an impact on better eye health, preventing eye diseases such as vision loss or the unpleasant development of cataracts. We can also benefit, during this time, from the properties of artichokes, ideal for protecting the liver and reducing cholesterol levels in the blood.

For lovers of fish and meat, we must highlight the presence of products such as quail, mountain rabbit, pheasant, duck, turkey, salmon, rooster, clams, sea bass, mussels, swordfish or red mullet. So you know, you have no excuse to make a rich, varied and healthy diet during the shortest month of the year.

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