Yogurt, before or after meals?

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By pro_admin

Dairy products are one of the foods that cannot be missing in any healthy diet. They can be taken in many ways and one of the most popular is undoubtedly yogurt. It is a product that must be taken skimmed and thus avoid the intake of fat that usually produces the increase of unwanted kilos.

Is it good to take yogurt in the daily diet?

One of the great properties of yogurt is that its consumption helps maintain an internal floral in perfect condition. This is due to the bacteria that are present in this product and that help to have a digestive system without problems. In addition, yogurt can help you maintain the line and boast a perfect body.

Skimmed yogurt is a food very rich in nutrients and without any fat because it is skimmed. That is why the consumption of yogurt helps to satisfy the appetite without contributing any calories to the body so it becomes an ideal product to take on a regular basis.

In addition to this, being a product very rich in calcium helps reduce the fat that usually accumulates in the abdomen area. Calcium will regulate the production of the hormone cortisol that is responsible for accumulating fat in the abdominal area. If you consume skimmed yogurt on a regular basis, you reduce the production of this hormone in the body. For all these reasons it is important that you take skimmed yogurt on a regular basis and incorporate it without any problem into your daily diet.

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